Final Social Studies Project

Dear Friends,

To end our social studies government unit, you will be writing a blog post as your final assessment.

Choose a form of world government (communism, monarchy, dictatorship or socialism). Compare it in detail to the Federal Republic form of government we studied the first four weeks. You have many Googlepresentations that you’ve created about Federal Republics.

Think about the following things in your reflection:

  • How do the leaders come to power?
  • How is property (land, money or other goods) distributed?
  • What rights do people have (or do not have?)
  • How is the government organized?
  • Can people say whatever they want in the media?
  • What is the judicial system like? How are people found guilty or not guilty of crimes? How are they punished?
  • How are rules or laws made? How are they changed?
  • What is the role of the constitution? Can it be changed?
  • What are the checks and balances on the power?

You should have TWO paragraphs and TWO pictures. Include at least 10 reasons how they are the same and different. Include more if you can!


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