A good reflective blog post

Dear friends,

I created this slide show in order to show parents and students what the fifth grade Cat Tien trip was like. I tried to include examples of what the rooms looked like, where we would eat our meals, and examples of the activities that we would do when we were there. I think my slide show did a pretty good job of showing what the facilities and activities were like.

If I were to do this blog post again, I would have students help create the presentation with their own pictures and schedules. I think this would allow parents and future students to see the trip from a student’s perspective, and that would be awesome.

We had tons of fun on the Cat Tien trip. We learned SO much about ecosystems and endangered species in Vietnam. I’m excited to go again next year.

Things I included:

  • What I did
  • What I would do differently if I did it again
  • What I enjoyed or was proud of.

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