Publishing our first magazine!


27345914855_b52a38261f_zWe’re officially published! It’s been a long, (fun) journey to becoming real, bonafide authors. Our inquiry first started with some primary source videos of the Soweto uprising, which led to some of our questions: What was apartheid? How were people affected by it? What were people doing to try to change it? 27345901415_5459b3e7a9

We scaffolded our research around these big questions, while extending it to dig into our essential questions: What is inequality? How can we, as students, work to end inequality and injustice in our own lives? Living where we live, this brought some really deep discussions. We explored paralells between the events in South Africa in the 20th century and our country today. These conversations and discussions, while impartial and completely politically correct given the current politcal climate in our country, were a starting point for us to examine our own lives and roles as citizens.

I’m so completely proud of our hard work and learning throughout this unit. We have published classroom copies, we’ve submitted copies to be included in the SEV Library catalogue, and now we have our digital copies! We hope you enjoy our magazines!

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