Minecraft Math Challenge

Build a house in creative mode.

Make a house with wood blocks, stone blocks, and glass panes, and blocks of your choice.
Your house needs to be:

  • 1/3 stone blocks
  • 3/8 glass panes
  • 1/12 wood blocks
  • 5/24 blocks of your choice

Tell me how many total blocks you used to build your house. (Make a sign with this information)

Tell me how many of each block you used to make your house. Tell me the fraction (Make a sign of this in front of your house)

To present it, take screen shots of your house and the signs. Then, make a Google Presentation about what your project was and how you worked to solve it.

Your presentation will be assessed on creativity and accuracy.

Good Luck!


Happy Family Challenge

image from anonymousproductionassistant

Hi! Today your job is to create a ZEN Google presentation about how to solve the family challenge.

Describe the problem.

Include one slide per step. Not too many words! Make it Zen!

Pretend like your audience is third graders. Make it so they can understand.

Embed it in a blog post when you finish.

You will work with your Egg challenge partner.


Good Luck!


Ms. Gabbert